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About Us

The Full Story

The Gathering was birthed after a prophetic word was given to a then high school senior at a annual revival meeting in Sept of 2022. 

Tragically, one year later almost to the day, that precious boy went home to be with his Savior.  A seed of hope had been planted by him in that previous year! What took place after that was nothing short of a miracle! The Love of the Lord Jesus drew a hungry group of young men and women to seek out what that young man experienced in his short life. It was during that same annual revival meeting this time-2023, many young and old received Christ Jesus as their Savior and were baptized. This has led to a prayer movement at Skiatook High School.  The students and few adults began meeting 3 times a week to pray for revival in their schools, homes and the communities they come from. 

It continues to this day!

  As their prayers were being answered, the love of the Lord drew their friends and families. They wanted to worship the Lord and serve Him together.  The way was made for  this to happen by meeting at the 5G Ranch in a dirty ole shop. 

It was from there the Lord orchestrated the use of an old church building

(Old Avant Methodist Building) to be remodeled and used again for His Glory! 

Tommy and I have said numerous times, "We are not sure what God is doing but He is definitely doing it because we couldn't have even dreamed of the way this has all played out". 

Our charge is to stand back and stay out of His way! 

Our prayer is to stay obedient to Our Father and do as He says, setting aside anything other than His plan and purpose for The Gathering!  

 359 Broadway Avant, OK 918-855-2899

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