Who are we???
These are the ones who have stepped up to the plate to lead.
Are we perfect? Nope! Just here working out our Salvation same as you !

Senior Pastors
Tommy and Erica Griffin
Tommy has spent the last almost 20 years in some capacity of full time ministry from being a youth pastor to lay pastor to full time Chaplain with the RTCA. Erica has walked alongside of him during this time, working full time and raising 3 beautiful children- Micah, Sara and Kasey. The girls live local with their families and are apart of The Gathering family. Kasey is living his best life in Heaven with Jesus! Together, Tommy & Erica have loved and have shepherded countless lives from young to old. It is their calling to pour out the love of the Father and to point those they encounter to our Lord Jesus Christ.

Austin & Sara Johnson
Coralee Farley